site launch


This post celebrates the launch of one of my favorite projects: I got to design the first version of the site, and then the second version a few months later. Great project, and truly great clients.

Just sayin’


My colleague Omar brought his into the office, and we’ve been playing it at our shared desk. I’m not a big fan of video games, but this is a blast. In all modesty, I am a home run machine.

The one constant


This has nothing to do with politics. That said, I wouldn’t dare to compete with Shepard Fairey.

Weekly Department Meeting, 02/21/08


daily scrum, 02/20/08


As an aside: My good friend Claudine used to love using “e’s” in her work. Especially in Helvetica. She’d make them really big, and fit type in the opening of the letter. She always thought the lowercase e looked like a smile.

daily scrum, 02/21/08


daily scrum, 02/22/08


Weekly Team Status Meeting 02/25/08


This morning’s meeting, while very important, only really concerned *maybe* 3 people. As a result, there were a lot of really bored people in the conference room. Noted “anti-meeting” attendant looked as though he was going to murder everyone. This drawing is for him.

design review, 02/22/08


The frequency of posts lately has suffered to a combination of not having long, boring meetings, and having lots of work to do. Worry not! There will be more meetings this week. (sigh…so many meetings)

design review, 02/15/08
